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rely on me.
i'm your soul.

Your photo here.

13,ChangkatChangiSec Loveeee my bhylovess And Husband(: Attached of couse (: 221110 is my day ! :D

strike out.

I want you
I wanna lastlong Be with him too

hearts talking.

ShoutMix chat widget

alternative exits.

my days, not yours.

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Heeey Rashidaaaaah Hereee .
Hmm todaay AWESOME daaaay ! ^^
Went to Vivo eat at BANQUET (:
Terserempak my Neighbour ^^
Then send my sister phone to 'Nokia'
While waiting , text My bhylove , IlyanyYourCrazyKiddo&&MyHusband (:
Then Daddy send us home . He went to work.. Here i am updating facebook and hearing songs (:
Okeeey laaahr  . Byes . Love you all Always !!

12:45 AM